Getting a good credit card machine is important for any business. It can offer everything from an easy system to use all the way through to security for businesses and more. Here are the five most important things to look for when choosing a credit card machine.
1. Security to Protect the Business and the Customers
Reducing the chances of hacking and identity theft is very important. The right credit card machine can keep those risks lower, and that benefits both customers and businesses.
2. An EMV Reader for EBT, Credit, and Debit Card Sales
If a credit card machine doesn’t have an EMV reader, there is a higher chance for identity theft and fraud. EMV is the chip card slot for the credit card machines, and adds an extra layer of security. That can mean the business is losing out on some sales from customers who don’t feel secure using their cards there.
3. Wireless Processing and Mobile Payment Options
Being on the go is becoming more common for companies today, so mobile processing options are being used a lot more. These mobile card readers and other technological advances are able to take the business to the customer more easily.
4. An Easy to Use System That Can be Relied On
Ease of use truly matters, and so does the reliability of the card processing system. Without both of those things it can be very hard for a business to stay up with their competition and keep advancing as technology and their business needs change. It’s part of the reason why you should upgrade your traditional POS to an iPad POS, because it makes travel easier.
5. Good, Affordable Rates
Some card processors charge more than others. Especially if a company does a high volume, they can often get lower rates so they can keep more of their money in the business.
Ready for a great credit card processing company that caters to retailers, merchants, and small businesses? Contact Dynamic Merchant Solutions today and let us help you with your business.